Massage Therapy
Massage therapy involves various soft tissue techniques to enhance blood and lymph circulation. It encompasses a range of methods including rubbing, pressing, and manipulating ligaments, tendons, muscles, and skin. By targeting these areas, massage can aid in relieving muscle soreness, reducing inflammation, and improving range of motion. The techniques employed during massage therapy can vary from deep pressure to light stroking, tailored to meet the specific needs of your body. Our massage therapists collaborate closely with our physiotherapists to ensure your massage meets your unique requirements. In addition to its therapeutic benefits, massage is also highly effective for promoting relaxation and overall well-being.
Massage therapy at Harmony Physiotherapy & Wellness can assist with a variety of conditions to aid in the healing process. It’s not just for relaxation—it can also provide natural relief for various ailments.
Here’s how massage therapy can help:
Enhances range of motion and alleviates low-back pain.
Aids expectant mothers for easier, shorter labor.
Reduces dependence on medications by triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.
Alleviates insomnia related to stress, facilitating better sleep.
Relieves pain associated with fibromyalgia.
Provides relief from anxiety and depression.
Boosts the body’s immune system.
Eases consistent migraines.
Relaxes, stretches, and exercises overused, tired, or injured muscles by promoting oxygen and blood circulation.
Helps athletes prepare for and recover from intense workouts, preventing and treating sports-related injuries.
Reduces post-surgery swelling, and adhesions, and promotes tissue regeneration, including scar tissue and stretch marks.
Benefits of Massage Therapy At Athletico Sports Physiotherapy & Wellness:
As massage therapy gains popularity as a healing method, its benefits become more evident across a wide range of conditions. From neurological disorders to the strains of modern life and chronic diseases, patients experience numerous advantages:
Increased circulation, aiding in pain relief and healing.
Enhanced concentration and energy levels.
Reduced anxiety, leads to better sleep.
Decreased overall fatigue.
Alleviation of stiffness and arthritis-related aches.
Relief from pain, stiffness, and muscle/joint issues or injuries.
While massage offers numerous benefits, it’s important to understand that it’s not a substitute for regular medical care. Before starting massage therapy, it’s advisable to inform your doctor and continue following any standard treatment plans you have in place.
When should I consider massage therapy:
Before engaging in any activity, whether it’s playing with kids or running a marathon.
After activity or exercise to aid in recovery and relaxation.
As part of your routine for maintaining overall health and well-being.
After experiencing an injury or undergoing surgery for rehabilitation purposes.
Relieve your pain with massage therapy at Harmony Physiotherapy and Wellness Today
If you are interested in gaining the many benefits of manual therapy, Contact us Our dedicated Team will be happy to meet with you and get you moving once again.
What We Treat
We provide care, education, and treatment of a variety of issues including:
Coccyx (Tailbone) Pain
Diastasis Recti Abdominis/Bulging Abdominals After Birth (DRA)
Foot Pain
Hip Pain
Interstitial Cystitis (IC)
Knee Pain
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Overactive Bladder
Pain with Intercourse
Shoulder pain
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pubic Pain
Pelvic Pain
Pudendal Neuralgia
Urinary Leakage
Wrist pain
Who do we help:
Weekend Warriors
Active individuals who want to squat and run pain-free and stay active without being held back by discomfort or injuries.
Crossfitters/HIIT Fiends
Who value their health and want to understand more about how to move in their own body without increase risk of injury so they can continue to live their life.
Pregnant & Postpartum Moms
Mothers seeking to regain core strength, reduce abdominal separation, and feel more confident in their bodies while exercising safely.
Runners and Cyclists
Endurance athletes who want to prevent injuries, improve performance, improve pain and stay on track with their training goals.
Yoga/Pilates Enthusiasts
Who love Yoga but are limited by low back pain due to stiffness or instability.
Athletes Recovering from Injury
Sports enthusiasts focused on recovering from injuries and returning to their peak performance safely and effectively.
Normal Humans
Who wants to understand their body and determine what is right for it without any surgical intervention.
Health-Conscious Individuals
Anyone committed to their health and wellness, seeking guidance to move better, reduce pain, and live an active, fulfilling life.
Look What Others Are Saying About Expert Treatment From Harmony Physiotherapy & Wellness