TOILET TALK: 5 things you should know (but probably don’t!)
From healthy toilet habits to recognizing signs of bladder and bowel issues, discover the essential tips you need to know about your urinary health.
Is your child wetting the bed at night? Here’s what to know
Does your child over the age of 5 still wet the bed at night? Learn more about Nocturnal Enuresis, and discover how you can provide effective support for a distressing condition.
Dealing with UTI symptoms? It might be your pelvic floor!
Struggling with bladder pain? It might not be a UTI after all! Learn more about pelvic floor dysfunction and how it could be the cause of your discomfort.
Peeing 101 - Improve Your Bladder Habits
Poor urinary habits can lead to poor bladder control. Let’s talk about how to empty your bladder correctly and prevent pelvic floor issues.
Most people might think, what is there to learn about how to pee? It’s something you just go and do! But no, I’m here to tell you that there is a correct way to pee, and this will also save you from the discomfort of bladder control issues down the road.
5 Tips to Prepare Your Pelvic Floor For Birth
Period tips you need to know
Get the period knowledge you need to stay in tune with your body and take control of your pelvic health. From addressing pain and cramps, to knowing what is normal, these tips will help keep you feeling your best.
Allergies & Pelvic floor dysfunction: How are they connected?
Are your allergies making your pelvic floor dysfunction worse?
Do you need extra pads or black leggings when you are enjoying the beautiful spring?
Spring is a time of beauty and allergies – but while you’re coughing all that pollen away, don’t forget to keep your pelvic floor in mind! Here are 5 tips on how to minimize the impact of allergies on your pelvic floor!